Pet Specialists of Monterey - Michael Dearmin DVM, DACVS
Pet Specialists of Monterey Administrative Offices
via Evite or call 831-899-4838
(If you are not currently receiving Evite invitations for Morbidity & Mortality Rounds, please call 831-899-4838 to be added to emailing list)
The purpose of morbidity and mortality rounds is the investigation of the circumstances surrounding patient care resulting in complications, treatment failure, diagnostic challenges, and loss of life. The discussion is intended to be open, non-judgmental, and confidential in order to foster an atmosphere that encourages learning and sharing the wisdom gleaned from each other’s experiences.
The format will be organized around case presentation with discussion among all present and supported by the specialists at PSM. Case material from PSM specialty and emergency caseload will be prepared for presentation. However, participants are encouraged to bring cases from their own practices to present to the group for discussion. At least two PSM specialists will be attending each session to provide input as well as share their own experiences where appropriate. General practitioners and specialists alike are invited to attend from small animal, exotic, mixed, and large animal practices.