2024 Officers
Jeff Fankhauser, dvm
Dr. Jeff Fankhauser obtained his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Wisconsin in 2007, and certification in veterinary acupuncture from Colorado State University in 2008. He owns Pet Maintenance and Repair in Salinas. His practice utilizes a low-cost, high-volume model to expand access to veterinary care in the local community and hopefully reach pets that might not otherwise utilize veterinary
Taemi Horikawa, DVM, DACVO
vice president
Dr. Taemi Horikawa received her veterinary degree from the University of California, Davis and completed a rotating internship in Pittsburgh, PA and a comparative ophthalmology residency in Rocklin, CA. After her board certification, she has practiced and lectured in Northern California and Western Australia. She became the owner of Ophthalmology for Animals in 2023.
casey hilliard
treasurer & SEcretary
Karen Buchinger, DVM
delegate to the cvma
Karen Buchinger is a 1988 veterinary graduate of UC Davis and owned a small animal practice in Alameda for more than 23 years before selling it and moving to Pacific Grove in 2022. She was the CVMA Delegate for Alameda County for many years and currently sits on the CVMA Legislative Committee. She believes in support of our profession through networking and participation.